Friday, June 7, 2013

Webskil's Reflection

Thank you very much for lovely course.From this course I learned to write clear objectives using abcd method, creaitng websites, using webquest,padlet, lot of information about useful links...
Just now I'm in our regional Conference.Yesterday I had my own presentation about using rubrics in writing thanks to this on line course.I shared my learning with teachers and we created our own rubrics on writing.
Thank you very much!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 9 reflection

This week we prepared our final project plan and  we dealt with learning styles. We read articles on this topic. I've found Kayum's post very colorful and  understandable, and want to share it here on my blog.
Types of LearnersFact about themTips for them
I-ACTIVE LEARNERS1-Active learners tend to like group work.
2-Active learners learn by doing something.
3-Sitting through lectures is very hard for active learners.
1-Study in a group .
2-Explain topics to each other.
II-REFLECTIVE LEARNERSReflective learners prefer to think before doing.1-Pause while studying to review what you have read.
2-Think of possible questions or applications.
3-Write short summaries of readings.
III-SENSING LEARNERS1-Sensing learners tend to like learning facts.
2-They often like solving problems by well-established methods.
3-They don't like tested on material that has not been explicitly covered in class.
4-They tend to be patient with details.
5-They are good at memorizing facts.
6-They are good doing hands-on (laboratory) work .
7-They are practical and careful .
8-They don't like courses that have no apparent connection to the real world.
1-Ask your instructor for specific examples of concepts and procedures.
2-Discuss with friends or classmates.try to find examples in books.
IV-INTUITIVE LEARNERS1-Intuitive learners often prefer discovering possibilities.
2-They learners like innovation and dislike repetition.
3-They dislike exams on material outside what has been taught.
4-They may are be better at grasping new concepts.
5-They are comfortable mathematical formulations.
6-They tend to work faster.
1-Ask your instructor for interpretations.
2-Take time to read the entire question before you start answering.
V-VISUAL LEARNERS1-most people are visual learners.
2-Visual learners remember best what they see.
1-Try to find diagrams, sketches, schematics, photographs, flow charts.
2-Ask for videotapes or CD-ROM .
3-Prepare a concept map.
4-Color-code your notes with a highlighter .
VI-VERBAL LEARNERS1-Verbal learners get more out of words.
2-Students get many chances of listening to lectures daily.
1-Write summaries or outlines of course material.
2-Work in groups.
VII-SEQUENTIAL LEARNERS1-Sequential learners tend to gain understanding step by step.
2-They tend to follow logical paths .
3-They know a lot about specific aspects of a subject.
1-Ask the instructor to fill in the skipped steps.
2-Arrange the lecture material in logical order.
3-Relate your new topic to things you already know.
VIII-GLOBAL LEARNERS1-Global learners tend to learn in large jumps.
2-They may be able to solve complex problems quickly.
3-They know some about various subjects.
1-Skim through the entire chapter berore going to class.
2-Immerse yourself in individual subjects also.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week 8 Reflection

I can't believe that we are in the week 8. This week we reviewed our partners' draft for their project works and we created our  class sites or handouts using  useful sites. I enjoyed all of them.
As it's the end of the school year I tried to create a detailed plan for my project.With the help of technology I  want to make a bridge between my learners and the students from other English speaking countries and share their ideas on culture and tradition through our class site.
Now I've got my partners  Inna and Asma's reviews on my project and I should work on it.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

week7 reflection

This week we worked on topics such as learner autonomy and one computer classroom. From reading materials and from my groupmates posts I l’ve learned lot of things on these issues. We posted our wishes on learner autonomy on wallwisher or padlet. It’s my time to work on it. We chose our peer readers for our project report. My partners will be Asma and Inna. I found some ideas from Asma’s interactive PPPt  very practical and useful  and  I also tried them in my PPPt. Inna’s posts are clear and easy to follow with specific examples. So I sent both of them a request on peer reading and  they accepted it. I’m happy to work with them.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


This week my groupmates and I worked on how to make interactive Power Point presentations. I realized it is very powerful tool as it includes in itself images, videos, colourful photos . If the teacher created it correctly it is easy to navigate even for young learners and it is very visual. I looked through and tried to demonstrate my groupmates PPTs with my Ss and they enjoyed them very much. I order to make effective interactive PPt one must carefully select the material and pictures for it, arrange them in the correct order and connect links between appropriate slides. I benefited from this week so much and believe I will use interactive PPT constantly in my classroom.
Power points of my coursemates helped me  a lot in creating my own work as I could see and explore some features I might use in my work . 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 5 reflection

I started this week with new dreams, new energy, but...
In this week we learnt about Assessment, Rubrics and PBL.  I tried to read all reading materials about Assessment because I'm going to present in our annual Uzbekistan Teachers of English Association Conference with my proposal "Using rubrics in writing". It was  so amazing to create my own rubrics for A friendly letter. I want to share my experience on rubrics with my colleagues in Uzbekistan. I want to suggest them This sites enable them to create their own rubrics and  make their work easy in project based learning lessons. After reading Susan Gaer article about PBL I've understood how to do  project works successfully with my learners.
Yes, as I wrote I started this week very well but unfortunately I couldn't finish it successfully. I lost my uncle. I couldn't stop myself thinking of him. He was one of the dearest people.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Another wonderful week with useful materials

By reading articles given in week 4 I obtained some tips for better networking. In this week  we tried our technology enhanced lesson plan. I found many useful sites which I can apply to my lesson. We tried "Tutorial Mike" with my students; it's so funny and motivating. And some other sites like manyhings. and are so wonderful!
 With the help of Robert, our course instructor I'm trying to correct my mistakes which I've done in my posts.Robert's suggestions are very helpful. I have a motto now:"Try, try and try, just follow the instructions!"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 3

In this week we've learnt about CALL, how to do listening activities and many useful sites. I started to share my knowledge with my colleagues at In-service Institute.The great attention is given to teaching English in my country.There's a demand on using new approaches in teaching. We are replacing traditional methods to new ones. I think this week's materials are very necessary in my case.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fruitful week with useful links

It's so amazing! Next fruitful week with useful sites. While exploring new sites I asked myself several times: "How did I teach my Ss without using all those useful materials?". As I posted in my previous posts I am working in In-service Institute and I'm sharing all my learning with other teachers.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

New ideas...

Hi everyone,

I'm new in blogs and I didn't create myself before. So visiting others' blogs gave me good ideas on blogs: decoration, sharing your learning with others and how to do it and so on. I'm sharing my learning with my colleagues.I can say my colleagues are studying  with me. They found abcd objectives and search engines very helpful and started to use them . Everyday they ask me what we have today in our webskill course. I'm thankful to Robert and my groupmates.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 2

This week we started to work on abcd objectivse and some engines.